How to Reuse Old Cookie Sheets

When my husband and I got married, he brought with him some coated non-stick cookie sheets in good condition. As with most things with coated surfaces, the non-stick layer has begun to wear away over the years.

Rather than keep using them, I came up with some ways to reuse old cookie sheets. And since I’m busy on the farm, all of these DIYs can be done in a single day without spending a ton of money—always a win in my book.

Why is it bad when non-stick coating flakes away?

Typical non-stick coating will be made of Teflon, which is a nearly indestructible compound, pfoa. According to Good Housekeeping, “PFOA is associated with tumors and developmental problems in animals, and experts are concerned about its possible effects on humans.” 

There are a whole host of issues with Teflon’s safety, especially when it comes to the manufacturing process. There are entire academic articles on that topic, so we are just going to skim the surface. 

Teflon itself is actually stable and safe (depending on your definition) by the time it gets to your kitchen. The issue comes when it is exposed to high heat (upwards of 500 F). At that temperature, the coating overheats and begins to break down and can release toxic chemicals into the air. 

There might be cause to worry even if you’re not regularly submitting your pants to extreme heat. Unfortunately, some non-stick surfaces have been found to start breaking down at temperatures even lower than that. Additionally, it is pretty easy to overheat a pan if you are multi-tasking in the kitchen or searing meats. 

As to flakey bits that might come off over time through regular use or metal utensils scratching the surface, they are apparently not a huge risk. According to the FDA a small piece would “most likely” just pass through our bodies. 

Personally, I’d rather not risk it and just find new uses for what non-stick bakeware we do have, and look for new cookie sheets without non-stick coating in the future. 

Source   Source 

Can I recycle old cookie sheets?

If you aren’t in the mood for a DIY project, it might sound more appealing to just throw out the cookie sheet. 

It’s hard to say if your local recycling center has the ability to process the metal from bakeware. The best thing to do is give them a call and ask. 

If they can’t recycle it, there is a possibility the baking sheet can be dropped off at a scrap metal facility.

If you’re unable to recycle or process the sheets for scrap and feel a little crafty, read on to see some creative ways to reuse your old pans (such as a jelly roll pan, half sheet pan, eighth sheet pans, quarter sheet pans, etc.)

ways to upcycle cookie sheets rough and tumble farmhouse

Ways to Reuse Old Cookie Sheets

Mobile Chalk Board

Our daughter loves to draw, especially places she shouldn’t. You can easily create a portable chalkboard with your old cookie sheets for the price of chalkboard spray paint (which is relatively inexpensive and can be found at your local hardware store or home improvement store). 

Before you paint the sheet, the first step is to give it a good sanding (either with sandpaper or steel wool) to remove any remainders of the nonstick layer or other goop. 

Wash it well, and then let it dry. Once it’s dry, it’s time to apply the spray paint.

To use the spray paint, the best way I’ve found is to set my cookie sheet in the grass and give it two coats of chalkboard paint, waiting about ten minutes between coats. Let it dry, and voila! Now I have a clean chalkboard surface ready for my daughter to haul around the house or yard. 

cookie sheet chalk board diy rough and tumble farmhouse

Magnetic Board for Kids

What toddler doesn’t love fridge magnets?? Cookie sheets work great as a mobile magnetic board that kiddos can take anywhere. 

You can keep it super simple and just use the cookie sheet as is. Or, you can paint it with chalk paint as mentioned above and have it double as a magnetic board/chalkboard.

You can also simply paint it in your favorite shade. If you are especially crafty, you can paint it to match a magnet set. Say you have farm animal magnets. Paint a barn, fields, etc. Woodland animals? Paint a big tree or forest on there and let them create their own stories to go with it.

Fridge Chalk Board

I’m one of the last people to come up with cute ideas for home décor. I’m typically more of a follower in that regard. 

Still, after making the portable chalkboard for my daughter, I was struck by how cute a cookie sheet would look on the fridge. This would be perfect for scribbling down shopping lists, notes, a chore chart, etc. You could even paint lines on leftover sheets to make your own customized cookie sheet calendars.

To make a fridge chalkboard, you’d need chalk spray paint and some sticky-backed magnets to apply to the back of the finished chalkboard. Super easy and functional!

cookie sheet upcycle ideas rough and tumble farmhouse

Plant Tray

In addition to some old cookie sheets, we also had a few baking dishes that were starting to get scuffed.

This type of sturdier pan works PERFECTLY to hold collections of small potted plants or even a larger house plant. Who cares if the metal gets a bit rusty? It just adds to the farmhouse charm.

Again, you can easily spruce these up with a little paint of whatever color you want, or you can simply use it as is.

diy garden tools rough and tumble farmhouse

Decorative Sign

With some paint and stencils or a cute vinyl cutout, you can make a cute sign for your kitchen, garden, or even your barn using an old cookie sheet as the canvas.

You could even use hot glue to attach artificial flowers, plants, half wood beads, or other small items to the sign. 

diy cookie sheet wall art rough and tumble farmhouse

Tray for Pet Food

Messy cats and dogs? Use the cookie sheet or baking tray as is or spruce it up with some paint to make a containment tray for kibble and water. You can even put a sticky magnet on the underside of their food and water dishes to keep them from sliding around the tray. 

Magna-Tile Builder

If your kiddos are into magnetic tiles, you can use this as a base for their tile building. You can even stick it to your wall with removeable velcro and they can build out magnets that defy gravity.

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